For commercial illustration commissions please email me at
To commission an original painting please email me at I can paint anything you like, from a car, house, holiday photo, or even a still from your favourite film. Custom sizes, paintings on canvas are also available. Depending on the size and complexity of the image, please expect at least a four week turnaround (not including delivery time).
On paper:
Paintings on paper start at £150 for small works (example- 6x8 inches- approx 15x20cm)
Paintings on paper can go up to size 12x16 inches-approx. 30x40cm, prices in the range of £400-700+
On canvas:
Paintings on canvas- please contact me for a quote
Final price quotes are dependent on size and complexity of the image
Previous commissions…
How it Works: Commission Example
This is an example of a recent commission inspired by the film ’Empire of the Sun’. The client was interested in a painting on canvas of the iconic sequence in the film depicting Jim, played by Christian Bale, watching from the rooftops of a pagoda as American P-51 aircrafts attack the Japanese prisoner of war camp he has been held in.
To begin I worked on some compositional sketches based on various stills from the film. I worked with the client to select a composition, make adjustments, and finalise the idea.
The painting is oil on canvas, size 40x60cm. I worked on the painting over a month and a half, sending updates to the client and making changes if necessary.
This is the final painting! I was so pleased with how this piece came together, it is titled ‘Cadillac of the Skies’.